Promoting Excellence in Sexual and Reproductive Health

New Zealand College of Sexual and Reproductive Health (NZCSRH)

We are a specialist medical college that provides training, education and support for doctors, nurses, midwives and other health professionals working in sexual and reproductive health.



Raranga (weaving) is central to our story...

Sexual and reproductive health clinicians weave together their skills, knowledge and experience to provide specialised care. 

Each strand of flax (harakeke) represents a skill woven into our basket (kete) of specialised care.

Karaka (orange) represents the rich clay of Hineahuone

Pango (black) represents Te Korekore (the potential being)

Kakariki (green) represents the koru

Kikorangi (blue) represents Te Ao Mārama (the realm of light)

Join the College

Your membership supports us in our mission to create universal access to safe, high quality sexual and reproductive health care for everyone in Aotearoa.


Training Courses

We offer a number of training courses for clinicians working in sexual and reproductive health care.




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