Long-acting reversible contraception Trainers
NZCSRH has developed and run a Train the Trainer programme for Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC).
Trainers who have successfully completed this programme and have availability to train individuals in LARC procedures are listed below. Please contact trainers directly to discuss your training needs.
A-J Motu'apuaka
LARC training: Jadelle insertion
Email: amy-jane.motuapuaka@gmail.com
Phone: 021312730
Jade Stevenson
Whangarei, Te Tai Tokerau
LARC training: All LARC insertions and removals, and pipelle biopsies
Email: jades@kensington.health.nz
Phone: 09 437 9070, 021 033 1016
Justine Woodcock
Broadway Health, Kaikohe
I can come to your practice if it is northland based.
LARC training: IUD insertion and removal and Jadelle insertion and removal
Email: justine.woodcock@broadwayhealth.co.nz
Phone: 021 025 29084
Dr Janet Vaughan
Mangere, Auckland
LARC training: Training and sign off in all LARCs
Email: jvaughan@thc.org.nz
Available on Mondays only
Janice Brown
The University of Auckland
Email: janice.brown@auckland.ac.nz
Maggie Walker
Counties Manukau
LARC Training: IUCD insertion and removal (Mirena, Jaydess, Copper IUDs), Contraceptive Implant Insertion and removal (Jadelle)
Email: maggie.walker@middlemore.co.nz
Phone: 021 167 0087
Dr. Siobhan Trevallyan
LARC training: all LARCS, and pipelle biopsies
Email: strevallyan@xtra.co.nz
Veenita Devi
Ngati Whatua Orakei Health Services
LARC training: all LARC and Pipelle biopsy training provided offsite
Email: veenitadr@gmail.com
Phone: 027 253 4553
Ashleigh Battaerd
LARC training: IUD insertion, Jadelle insertion and removal
Email: ashleigh.battaerd@korowai.co.nz
Phone: 0273384534
Te Awamutu
Mary Ballantyne
LARC training: Jadelle insertion and removal, Mirena insertion
Email: mary.ballantyne@icloud.com
Phone: 0212472442
Bay of Plenty
Ash Simons
LARC training: mirena, copper, Jaydess and Jadelle removal/insertion
Email: ashlea.simons@totalhealthdrs.co.nz
Phone: 0273256198
Dr Louisa Barter
Ngongotaha Medical Centre
LARC training: IUCD, Mirena, Jaydess, Jadelles
Email: Louisa.Barter1@raphs.org.nz
Phone: 07 357 1030
Dr. Bronwen Thomas
Anamata for Youth Health
LARC training: all LARCs training - implant insertions and removals, IUD insertions
Email: drbront@gmail.com
Phone: 0223077959
Bronwen also does locuming work in other locations, so may be available in other areas, including Auckland.
Maree Ginger
LARC training: Jadelle insertions
Email: mareeg@anamata.org.nz
Phone: 0276289388
New Plymouth
Dr Yu-Ching Yu
Carefirst Westown,
99 Tukapa Street, Westown New Plymouth.
LARC training: IUD/IUS insertions, Jadelle insertions and removals
Phone: 06 753 9505
Email: yu-ching.yu@carefirst.co.nz
Hawkes Bay
Ella Toynton
Napier/Hastings/Havelock North but can travel around other Hawkes Bay areas if needed/enough notice given.
LARC training: Jadelle insertion and removal/IUS/IUD insertions and removals and pipelle if needed
Email: ella.toynton@na.thedoctors.co.nz (email for phone number)
Maggie Riley
Totara Health Hastings
LARC training: IUCD placement, Jadelle placement and removal
Email: margaret.riley@totarahealth.co.nz
Amy Hina
LARC training: IUC, Jadelle insertion and removal
Phone: 027 278 4736
Email: ahina@wrhn.org.nz
Palmerston North
Jia Hwa Gan
LARC training: IUCD and Jadelle training
Email: Jia_gan@hotmail.com
Susan Helman
LARC training: IUD/IUS/Implant insertion and removal
Email: susanhelman@mastertonmedical.co.nz
Alice Zwart
LARC training: All IUD and implant, plus pipelle biopsies
Phone: 022 314 3032
Email: alice@kapitiwomenshealth.co.nz
Anna Hudspith
LARC training: IUC and Jadelle training
Email: anna.hudspith@gmail.com
Christine Coulter
Team Medical, Coastlands Mall, Kapiti Coast
LARC training: Mirena, IUCD, pipelle, Jadelle
Phone: 04 267 3000
Email: drcoulter@teammedical.co.nz
Claude Heisbourg
LARC training: IUD training
Email: claude.heisbourg@vuw.ac.nz
Helen Fieldes
LARC training: IUD training
Phone: 027 221 5335
Email: helen.f@xtra.co.nz
Kim Williams
LARC training: Mirena copper IUD and Jadelle insertion training
Phone: 04 4726024
Email: kim.williams@southlinkgp.co.nz
Dr Shelley Thomson
Kapiti Youth Support - Paraparaumu
LARC training: IUD (Mirena/Jaydess/Copper) insertions and Jadelle insertion/removals
Phone: 04 9059597
Email: shelleythomson@kys.org.nz
Vivienne Coppell
LARC training: IUD and Jadelle training
Email: vivienne.coppell@nuhs.org.nz
Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough
Andrea Chapman
LARC training: IUDs, jadelles, pipelles
Email: andreajchapman@hotmail.com
Jessica Irvine
LARC training: All IUC and Jadelle training
Email: hello@balancewomenshealth.co.nz
Phone: 021 043 8034
Lekha Diesing
LARC training: IUD insertion, implant insertion/removal and pipelle biopsy
Email: office@toitoimedical.nz (contact for personal email/ph number)
Lucy Halsey
INP Medical Clinic, Nelson
LARC training: IUDs and Jadelles
Email: info@inp.co.nz
Phone: 03 5468155
Rachell Webb
Nurse Practitioner Sexual and Reproductive Health
LARC training: IUD insertions/Implant insertions and removals
Phone: 027 250 0497
Dr Rhondda Turner
Civic Family Health Care, 22 Arthur Street, Blenheim
LARC training: IUCD and Jadelle training
Email: gps@civichealth.co.nz
Phone: 03 5780199
Annie Gilmour
Piki Te Ora, Linwood, Christchurch
LARC training: IUS/IUD insertions
Email: anniegilmour@gmail.com
Anneke Pribis
Timaru Medical Centre
LARC training: IUD, IUS, Jadelle placement and removal
Email: anneke.pribis@southlink.co.nz
Limited availability, but happy to be contacted - email only please.
Emma Macfarlane
LARC training: All IUC and Jadelle training
Email: clinician@womanshealth.nz
Gwen Cuthbertson
Dunedin-based but prepared to travel by negotiation
LARC training: IUC and Jadelle
Email: gwendols22@gmail.com
Central Otago
Alice van Zijl
LARC training: IUD, Jadelle
Phone: 027 538 2618
Email: contact@womanshealth.nz
Dr Amy Rosario
LARC training: Jadelle insertion/ removal and IUCD
Email: amy.rosario123@gmail.com
Phone: 03 218 3282 (work)
Claire O'Brien
Southland Sexual Health Service
LARC training: All LARC insertions and removals, and pipelle biopsies
Email: Claire.OBrien@southerndhb.govt.nz
Phone: 03 214 5768
Veronica Corbin
LARC training: All IUC and Jadelle training
Phone: 021 262 3500
Email: ronniecorbin66@gmail.com