Promoting Excellence in Sexual and Reproductive Health

Specialist Retraining Policy

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Specialists wanting or needing to undertake retraining within a section of the Family Planning and Reproductive Health scope


To support Fellows where an area of practice in which they need retraining has been identified, where the continuing professional development programme would not be sufficient to support these retraining needs.


Specialists working in the family planning and reproductive health scope may contact the Educational Advisory Committee to seek advice on mechanisms for retraining.

Any such request will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and the request should include information about the specific components of the scope requiring retraining. These issues may be identified through the CPD programme, peer review meetings or practice visits. Fellows would be encouraged to identify another Fellow as a mentor. Fellows requiring significant retraining may be required to join the Advanced Training Programme. In this situation, Fellows may be required to undertake the Diploma in Obstetrics and Medical Gynaecology (Dip OMG) as a prerequisite for starting Advanced Training.

If NZCSRH has an appropriate certificate level qualification in the component of the scope in which retraining is required, this may be a suitable mechanism for retraining, depending on the specific needs of the doctor.


Any dispute in this regard will be referred to the Trust Board according to the Complaints Policy.

Policy Owner: Educational Advisory Committee | Date: June 2020 | Review Date: June 2023




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