HPV testing is now the primary cervical screening test in New Zealand, replacing the previous cytology-based test. This article gives a summary to help practices become more familiar with the changes.
In 2018, the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney in collaboration with community advocates, clinicians and researchers from across Australia conducted the first national survey of sexual health among transgender (‘trans’) and gender diverse people. The survey was the largest study of trans and gender diverse people to have been conducted to date in Australia.
This report of findings provides an overview of data collected via the inaugural Australian Trans and Gender Diverse Sexual Health Survey.
A new film, Pou hihiri, Pou o te aroha | Healing and learning from harm has been launched and features consumers, clinicians and researchers talking about the benefits of following a restorative approach after a harmful event occurs in health care.
Tools for Practice answers the clinical question: How effective are pelvic floor exercises or pessaries for stress urinary incontinence?
Dr Helen Paterson discusses how Otago and Southland women were becoming victims of their own geography, with distance becoming a barrier to accessing healthcare. The Woman’s Health Bus, or Te Waka Wāhine Hauora, started as a non-profit four years ago to help overcome this.
Helen talks to Jesse about the difference she and 'Betty the Bus' are making in ensuring women are getting the check ups and healthcare they might otherwise miss out on.
Listen to the interview through the RNZ website.
The following article titled The struggle for access to cervical screening in rural Aotearoa and 9 minute documentary was published by The Spinoff in April 2023.
Link to all recorded webinars, Goodfellow Gems and podcast relating to Women's Health hosted by the Goodfellow Unit.
Keep up with the latest development in Women's Health by NZ specialists review
Keep updated with the latest development in fertility by NZ specialists review
Keep up with the latest development in Men's Health by NZ specialist review